I am blessed far beyond measure. I have the greatest husband in the world, the best dog in America, a wonderful family, and awesome friends. We’ve been trying to expand our family with children for a few years, and are anxiously awaiting God’s plan for our future to unfold. I'm just a girl trying to figure out how to be the Christian woman that I know I was created to be. This blog is my digital scrapbook of all the blessed events in my life. I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy living it!
Bradley is the greatest guy in the world, and I am so blessed to be his wife. He's loving, caring, sweet, strong, and he showers me with affection. He is extremely passionate about his Lord and continually leads our family toward Heaven. He loves to be outdoors, and he also spends a lot of time being completely involved at church and hanging out with our wonderful friends.
My Love
Brad and I were high school sweethearts, and have been married for eight blessed years.
My Baby
Chester is our precious Havanese puppy. He was my birthday surprise from Brad the year we got married. He's very social, hypo-allergenic, doesn't shed, and incredibly smart; he even rings a bell to tell us he has to go potty. He's pretty much the greatest dog ever.
My Boys
I just adore this picture of my two favorites together.
To see complete photo albums, check out My Photo Site.
He is such a GREAT grand-dog!!
We love you, Chester!!!!
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