Friday, July 1, 2011

2 weeks and counting down!

It's July! Which means it's Harry Potter month!! His birthday is 7/31/80; the final book was released on 7/21/07; and the final movie will be released on 7/15/11! Did you catch that last one? The final movie will be released in just two weeks!!!

If you need a refresher on where we are, here's a recap of what happened in Part 1. (Sorry about the annoying message across the screen. But if you click on it, you get a sneak peek at a new scene!)

And for those of us who have read the books and don't mind spoilers, here's a featurette about the horcruxes and what's coming up in this epic conclusion of the story.

EEEEE!!!! Two weeks, people! Two.Weeks! I better get started on the Mehaffey Sibling t-shirts for the midnight release! Are any of you going to join us in this last moment of Pottermania?? You can never get it back...

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