Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Syrupy Kisses

Back in the day, Brad and I would meet in the middle of our work days for lunch dates every once in a while. Since his schedule has changed, and he's working over night, our dates have also shifted. We still meet for meals, but instead of meeting across the table from each other at lunch time, now it's breakfast time!

Anxious to see Brad for the first time this week, I cut my workout a little short this morning so that I could meet him around 7:00, right when he got off work, at the Soda Shop across the street from the hospital. (Yep, that's right, it's an old fashioned soda shop.)

I was running a little bit late, but when I got there, Bradley had already ordered my breakfast for me. :)

I love that he knows what I'd order.
I love starting my day with syrupy kisses.
I love any sort of date, whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner.
I love seeing my honey after a while of not getting to.
I love hearing about his crazy work stories and having him be proud of my working out progress, and subsequently sympathetic of my ridiculous soreness.
I love sharing my life with my best friend.
I love my husband. Yep, that about sums it up. I love my husband.


Audrey said...

You guys are so sweet!


emily said...

aw...yummy! :)
the syrup...not brad
don't want to get punched in the face! ha

love u

Bradley Mehaffey said...

And your husband loves you...

{darlene} said...

love this post. Keep on praising and loving that man! Isn't marriage grand??

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