Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lesson learned

Did you know that candles melt? Of course you did. Everybody knows that. In theory. But did you know realize that they melt simply when they get hot, not necessarily when the wick is burned? Never thought about it, did ya? Yeah, me neither.

Last year, I had Christmasy-smelling candles on my wish list, and I was pleased (or so I am told) that I received two as gifts!

After Christmas, we packed up all of our decorations for the year, including the scrumptious candles to be burned the following holiday season. In the meantime, we bought a house and moved. Naturally, our seasonal decor was promptly placed and stored in our new attic. We're just that responsible.

Turns out it gets pretty hot in the attic. And, as we've already discussed, even in the absence of a flame, mere heat will melt a candle to liquid wax. Upon retrieving our Christmas supplies from the inferno beneath our roof, at first the overwhelming Christmas Tree smell quickened my excitement and spurred me on to dive even more wholeheartedly into the Christmas season! (If that's even possible.) However, after further digging unpacking, I was absolutely devastated to find that my beloved and much anticipated scented candles had been ruined before they ever had an opportunity to grace a warm room with Christmas ambiance!

Items that were stored alongside the candles were also destroyed. I performed a small eulogy as I ceremoniously dumped now wonderfully smelling garland and ribbon and decorative sparkly berries that were all saturated with green gooey gunk into the undeserving trash, along with other candles (that were not so much candles, per se, but more like pretty decorative figurines made of wax) that became grotesquely distorted in the heat.

Thankfully, one of the candles had a pretty tightly sealed lid and was able to maintain most of the wax within the closed jar. I'm so pleased to inform you that it fits perfectly on a candle warmer, and the wax has since melted nicely back toward the bottom. As we speak, there is only the faintest of an "iceberg" from the lid fillings that remains above the smooth surface, and the sweet aroma of a Christmas tree fills the air throughout our house. Ahhhh....

Brad and I have discussed scraping out the wax from the other candle (and what we can salvage from the rubber container in which it was stored) and using it to create our own Christmas candle. He seems to think that a wick is easily created using a simple piece of string. We'll see.

Regardless, I believe I can genuinely say that we have learned a valuable lesson when it comes to storing Christmas decorations: Don't keep wax anything in the attic! It will get hot up there, and the wax will melt! And you will be very, very sad. Lesson Learned.


Elaine said...

I am so sorry about your Christmas candles. (I think we all have to make the mistake of storing them where they shouldn't be stored to learn your valuable lesson! Yes--I have done it, too! Now I store them in the coat closet inside the climate controlled house!)
Shall we add Christmas candles to your Christmas list?!

Kimberly Washer said...

I'm glad you are going salvage them. I was hoping as I read on that you wouldn't say you trashed them!! Way to be thrifty!! The garland and other decorations does hurt pretty bad though!!

Jamie Frankum said...

you are so funny! Of course candles MELT! haha. I 'm sorry that happened though. It does stink when some of your favorite things get ruined. :(

Jessica B said...

well having worked at yankee candle for 4 years in high school, i feel that i am almost an expert on candles and the proper care of them. i have seen the poor melted candles many times. the customers having left them in the car in july to do some more shopping. it is quite understandable in the excitement of the new house to forget things like this. let me just say... now you know. elaine is right, the coat closet is a wonderful place to store them. :) also, those candles go 75% off after christmas at yankee candle so don't fret. you can restock for next year.

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